Three Dot Blogging


(Above – our living room!)

I find myself wanting to write, and having no time to do so. So, I’ll rely on that old Herb Caen classic.

Three dot writing.

…I think fiction might have peaked for me when I finished “War and Peace,” finally, in 2010. I haven’t truly been able to immerse myself in any novel in the same way since.

…I could re-read “Lord of the Rings,” “War and Peace,” “Sense and Sensibility” and “Pride and Prejudice” for the rest of my life and I think that would fulfill me.

…I know my brother will read the above and disapprove of me.

…My husband and my two kids are my favorite people to hang out with. I’d rather spend time with them than anyone.

…I wish I had read the climatic last scene of “War and Peace” for the first time while listening to the 1812 Overture on repeat.

…I never knew I’d ever love my job as much as I do right now.

…I truly hate the Oxford comma.

…Why did my two year stay in London affect me so much more than my four year residence in Santa Barbara?

…Why are remodels such a clusterf%$&?

…Is blogging inherently narcissistic? If I enjoy it, does that make me a narcissist?

What three dot thoughts are you wishing to share? What books could you read over and over for the rest of your life, if any?


Filed under Family

7 responses to “Three Dot Blogging

  1. Mel

    Why do you hate on the Oxford comma? What did my poor, beloved comma ever do to you?

    I am so scared of the remodel that I’ve been dragging my heels even though it NEEDS to get done. As in, it’s not just cosmetic anymore. We need this to happen.

    I could obviously re-read Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Handmaid’s Tale.

    My three dot is that in a few hours, I’m going to purchase chocolate for Purim treats. I buy it from a professional candy-making store and it costs an arm and a leg, but it tastes AMAZING. And I will have pounds and pounds of it in my kitchen. Dangerous game.

  2. … I adore the Oxford comma.
    …I read a lot of classics but when I go back and try to identify ones that I thought were really good, I struggle to come up with many.
    …Pride & Prejudice, Vanity Fair, Middlemarch. That’s it off the top of my head.
    …I think ALL books would be better with the 1812 Overture on in the background.
    …I’m always curious about your job. I don’t know why since jobs are usually not that interesting.

  3. The remodel has to be tough to get through. I can’t even figure out how to paint our place without it ruining our lives.

    And I’m also very curious about your job. Loving your job is a rare and wonderful thing!

  4. I have missed you so much, and it’s so nice to read your words again, narcissist.

    …I have never read War and Peace.

    …I could read T S Eliot forever and be happy.

    …I’m glad you love your job so much. That makes me vicariously happy.

    …We MOVED rather than remodel. Best of luck to you.

  5. …Anna Karenina, Crime and Punishment, and The Count of Monte Cristo. And probably also Yes, Please. I swear I was actually funnier while I was reading that book!

  6. I LOVE the Oxford comma! Lol! And the Harry Potter series <3. And Lord Of the Rings. And Jane Austen 🙂 Once I went back to classic lit when the twins were born I have never transitioned back into modern lit.

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